Podcast Archives
Les coups d’État sont-ils bons pour l’Afrique ?
Os golpes de Estado são bons para África?
Are coups good for Africa?
Claude: There have been nine military coups d’etats in Africa since 2020. If we continue at this rate, there will be more coups in this decade than in any since the 1960s. The pollster Afrobarometer found that more Africans approved of military rule than ten years ago. Many ordinary Africans suffer terribly from the effectsContinue reading “Are coups good for Africa?”
“The world can learn so much from Africa”
Como é que o exemplo de África pode ajudar a resolver o conflito na Ucrânia e em Gaza?
L’Afrique peut-elle servir d’exemple pour aider à guérir les maux des conflits en Ukraine et à Gaza ?
Can Africa’s example help in Ukraine and Gaza?
Claude: In this episode we discuss war and peace Welcome to Limitless, the podcast that asks the questions that matter for Africa. In each episode, we ask three guests about one issue that matters to Africans. We’re looking for African solutions to African problems. The Limitless Podcast is supported by the U.S. Department of StateContinue reading “Can Africa’s example help in Ukraine and Gaza?”