From TRUE Africa, I’m Claude Grunitzky, and this is Limitless. In this episode we’re asking what’s the next big thing in African music “Music is important because it’s the one thing that can break culture barriers” “From my perspective looking at it from Africa, the US market has kind of lacked originality and creativity” “Continue reading “Will African music take over the world?”
Podcast Archives
“I was an unlikely president”
Especial Presidenciais – o que querem os jovens de Cabo Verde?
Spécial Présidentiel – Que veulent les jeunes du Cap-Vert ?
Presidential Special – what do Cape Verde’s youth want?
Claude: Welcome to Limitless Africa. For this episode, we’re broadcasting from the Presidential Palace of the Republic of Cabo Verde. We’ll be speaking with the President José Maria Neves. But it won’t be me interviewing him… Instead six young people will be asking the questions. And they want to know what the most powerful manContinue reading “Presidential Special – what do Cape Verde’s youth want?”
“Fashion is the number one thing Africa can export”
Comment la mode africaine peut-elle devenir un leader mondial ?
Como é que a moda africana pode tornar-se uma líder mundial?
How can African fashion become a global leader?
Claude: In this episode we’re talking fashion Last year, the United Nations hailed Africa as a future world leader in their first report on the state of fashion in Africa. The data was promising. The UN estimated that the fashion industry alone could increase the continent’s prosperity by 25 per cent. In this episode, IContinue reading “How can African fashion become a global leader?”