Arima Ederra is a R’n’B singer/songwriter making music in Los Angeles. Her debut EP Earth to Arima, a collection of sultry, raw vocals was released in 2012 (to much acclaim) and Arima is currently working on her next EP Temporary Fixes. We talk about her Ethiopian heritage and her latest single Trippin’ On U. 

I see you’ve recorded some tracks in Las Vegas, did you grow up there?

I was born in Atlanta, G.A but raised in Las Vegas. I recorded a lot of my earlier music there as well as my first project, Earth To Arima. I live in LA now and recorded all of Temporary Fixes here.

Trippin’ On U is a great track. Who’s the producer?

Thank you much! It was produced by DJ Orc, a friend I made in Los Angeles last year. Te’Amir Sweeney, another awesome friend and musician, added the Ethiopian krar textures to it.

What themes are you touching upon in your next album Temporary Fixes?

Temporary Fixes is just that, a compilation of all my temporary fixes, emotions, and experiences. This project was a lot more personal and experimental at the same time. The music varies and is much different than my introductory of Earth To Arima.

I think Ethiopian music overall emphasises so much on love.

I was very honest and expressive with myself this past year and Temporary Fixes gave me the outlet to share that. I believe everything in life is temporary but the spirit. TF was a reminder for me to find my highs and enjoy them as they come and go.

If you could do a song with anyone – dead or alive – who would you pick and why?

Hmm, that’s so hard! I would give anything to sit down and write a song with Bob Marley. His compassion, truth and rebellion he gave to us is unmatched, truly one of a kind.

How much inspiration do you take from Ethiopian music?

I grew up with my dad blasting it in the house and always singing songs with him in the car too. I don’t think I realised how much I was influenced by it until I got older. I listen to it here and there but always gain something sweet afterwards.

Can you share some of the ‘Ethiopian love songs’ you mentioned in the Trippin’ On U bio?

I think Ethiopian music overall emphasises so much on love. The sweetest lyrics, heart felt melodies and vulnerability. I love the tones and textures to their voices too! Here are some of my fav artists:

When will Temporary Fixes be out?

This spring 🙂

Check out more here

Follow Arima on Twitter @ArimaEderra

Photography by @TheLeagueOfUs