Africa’s longest serving leader looks set to continue his rule after elections were held in Equatorial Guinea on Sunday. According to official results, President Obiang Nguema – and former ceremonial head of the African Union – has been re-elected by a landslide. It’s not a surprise; he’s ruled the country since the military coup in 1979.

It is however a small decline from 2009 elections where he amassed a hefty 95.37 per cent of the vote. This year, the nearest challengers to his mandate received 1.5 per cent each.

Reactions on Twitter were mixed.

Some gave him credit.

Some decided to look on the bright side.

Some thought elections were a waste of time.

Equatorial Guinea is the only Spanish speaking country on the continent. It gained independence in 1968. President Francisco Macias Nguema’s brutal rule prompted as many as a third of the population to flee, until he was deposed in the 1979 coup, tried, then executed.

In 1996, Mobil oil corporation announces it has discovered oil and gas reserves.

His son Teodoro ‘Teodorin’ Nguema Obiang has a reputation for having expensive tastes. Among other things – a Gulfstream jet, a Ferrari worth more than $500,000 – he apparently owns Michael Jackson memorabilia worth almost $2 million.