What is the future of Africa? Gen Z speak out

With guests
Elisa Jamal, Hadidjatou Nene Sandou Yaya, Jeremiah Thoronka

Episode notes

Africa has the youngest population in the world, 70% are under the age of 30. For this episode of Limitless Africa, we’re talking to Generation Z - that’s young people born between 1997 and 2012 - and we’re asking them about the future - their future. This episode was produced by our very own Gen Z-er Abigail Musherure.


Claude: What is the future of Africa?

“It’s changing the mindset. It’s working with men and boys. Making them understand what’s really ongoing within a household and the different dynamics of power…”

“So that is the future that I see for Africa, very much promising, very innovative, and we are going to be the first that every single country in the world will want to work with.”

“A lady who dreams is a lady who sees, who see far. And when you see far, it’s because you want to do someth...

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