Screw power lists. Here’s a pick ‘n’ mix selection of some young people who are actually doing stuff. In this #EyesOn2017 series, they tell us what’s going to blow up this year.

JTO – AKA Temi Otedola – is a stylist based between Lagos and London. She told us about what she’s up to, how African fashion is always relevant and the Nigerian fashion labels to watch out for this year.

What have you been up to in 2016?

2016 has been an action packed year. In February I launched an event called ATIA (Afternoon Tea in Ankara). I wanted to inspire and encourage young Africans and ethnic minorities who are trying to break into the highly competitive fashion industry both in the UK, and Nigeria.

On October 4 last year, my sister, DJ Cuppy, and I hosted an event with the auction house Bonhams. Called AFRICA NOW, the event was a celebration of art, music and fashion. The latter is where I come in. For the event I curated and styled a fashion presentation of the best of African fashion. The models were styled in designers: Lisa Folawiyo, Sophie Zinga and MaXhosa by Laduma and wore accessories by Adele Dejak.

I relaunched my website in December. The layout is totally different and I created and posted 50 new features! I am so proud/excited of the direction my blog is going in.

Those are just a select few of the exciting things I have been up to this year. I have done all of this alongside being in my second year at UCL (University College London) studying history of art.

What are you going to remember 2016 for?

I have really started to think about where I want to take my career. I have been thinking of great new, innovative ways to communicate my love for fashion and content creation to my audience. 2017 is going to be a great year.

ATIA was a huge step for what I hope to achieve in the future. I think it is very important to utilise this platform I have to help others to break into this industry.

African fashion is and will always be relevant.

I was also excited for the several amazing opportunities I had with publications like Vogue, CNN, and I was named one of the ‘Future Leaders’ of the UK by HSBC.

What or who do you think is going to blow up in 2017?

There are three Nigerian brands that I know will be doing great things in 2017.
Dap Mod, Grey and POC.

I also have to mention the JTO Fashion! I foresee great things for the new year and beyond.

What’s keeping you busy in 2017?

University will definitely be taking up a lot of my time. It is important for me to strike a good balance between my books and my blog.

This year I also look to hold ATIA both in the UK and in Lagos! This should be a fantastic event and I am looking forward to taking it to Nigeria.

I will also be blogging as much as possible and my ultimate aim will be to provide interesting and unique posts.

Finally, I will be looking to build this my blog into something that becomes a bridge for African designers trying to move into the Western market.

African fashion is and will always be relevant, so I aim to utilise my platform to take our prints, designs and concepts as far as I can.

Find out more about JTO