It’s set to be a fierce competition as cyclists start on the Tour of Eritrea today.

Teams from Rwanda, Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, Sudan, Germany’s Stradalli- Bike Aid, Amorovitta of Ukraine, the Eritrean national team, and the Selina and Txinat cycling teams (both from Eritrea) will be competing over 670km and a fair few hills, deserts, and by a windy coast.

Eritrean Yonatan Hailu won the first stage from Barentu to Tesseney. You can keep up to date with the rest of the race at World Cycling Stats

Stage 1: Barentu – Tesseney (April 19) 112km

Stage 2: Tesseney – Agordat (April 20) 179km

Stage 3: Keren – Asmara (April 21) 93km

Stage 4: Mendefera – Massawa (April 22) 172km

Stage 5: Massawa – Asmara (April 23) 113km

The Eritrean cyclist Mekseb Debesay recently got lost during a Belgian one-day race in March. He spent 15 hours on the road and finally had to ask a stranger for food, shower and clean clothes. Hopefully he’ll be able to find his way around his home country.