DJ InviZAble is not the Capetonian DJ Nick Matthews but really a mythical being. He has ‘travelled from a distant highland tribe’ and acts as ‘an advisor to The Imperial House Of Africa’.

Yes, we don’t know what that means either.

But if you want to spot this legendary creature – which looks like it has just rifled through Gaddafi’s closet and added a sprinkling of Daft Punk – and the magical sound it produces, head down to the Terrace stage on Friday at Cape Town Electronic Music Festival (CTEMF).

What kind of set are you going for at CTEMF?

InviZAble harnesses the sound of the sonarverse through a music which is called XiFi.

Who would be your dream collaboration?

The dream is to always collaborate with the best of South African music talent, no matter what style or genre.

DJ Invizable performs as part of "Niskerone presents Universes" at Rocking the Daisies festival in Cape Town, South Africa, on October 3, 2015

Who is DJ inviZAble and who is Nick Matthews?

InviZAble is the embodiment of harmony, half computer chip programmed to identify resonance and half machine. InviZAble is on a quest to find balance on planet earth through creating Awehness. InviZAble can only see humans as energy and not by name and is unable to identify the other person you speak of.

Tell us about your guerrilla creative practices

InviZAble is currently on a quest with fellow comrades in music, Stone Jets, to create Awehness of animal welfare by supporting the protector of animals TEARS.

What’s next?

A new remix of fellow comrades in KwaZulu, Qadasi and Maqhinga, to create Awehness of gender equality and respect for women and children.

Find our more about DJ InviZAble

Find out more at CTEMF