Olympic winner Caster Semenya tied the knot this weekend (for the second time) with her beautiful girlfriend Violet Raseboya. They celebrated the happy day at the Chez Charlene Wedding Venue in Pretoria surrounded by family and friends.
Caster Semenya, who’s only 25, has had an incredible year. She won gold at the Olympics this year with a personal and national best, in one minute 55.28 seconds.
They actually held a traditional ceremony in Limpopo province last December after a year-long engagement. After the ceremony, she told the South African Sunday Times: ‘We met a long time ago. I was about 15. We’ve been on and off. We decided to take things seriously two years ago, look up to our future and get married.’
And looks like they did, twice!
They both wore traditional outfits before donning a wedding gown and embellished jacket:
Violet looked stunning in a white wedding gown.
The couple say their vows
The beautiful couple beam with happiness.
Caster showed off her moves at the party afterwards:
And Violet showed that she can compete on the dance floor:
The couple have been an item for quite a while – over ten years! They have a hashtag #casvio and a penchant for matching outfits and poses:
Any good athletic couple have to have matching monogrammed trainers:
Caster Semenya has a condition called hyperandrogenism, where she had very high levels of testosterone, as well as internal testes in place of an uterus and ovaries. She has faced criticism and bigotry, as well as clumsy treatment by the International Association of Athletics Federations.
They are what we call #Relationshipgoals!