While the world of football recovers from the extraordinary game at Camp Nou, which saw Barcelona stage the greatest comeback in the history of European football by defeating PSG 6-1, another team, Borussia Dortmund also staged their own comeback to secure a place in the quarter-finals of the Champions League.

Given they were trailing 1-0 from the first leg in Lisbon, there was pressure on Pierre Emerick Aubameyang to deliver the goals needed to take his team through. He responded in style, netting a hatrick in the 4-0 win.

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Expectations on the man from Gabon are high, week in week out. He had missed a penalty in the first leg defeat in Lisbon, so it must have been a relief to the home fans when he drew the team level on aggregate with a header in the fourth minute. Aubameyang has now scored seven goals in this year’s Champions League, in addition to his 21 domestic league goals, making him once again one of the top scorers across Europe.

2017 marks the 20 year anniversary of Dortmund’s Champions League triumph against Juventus in the 3-1 victory at Munich’s Olympics stadium. They will need Aubameyang to continue delivering goals in bucket loads if they are to reach another final.


The draw for the quarter-finals will take place on the March 17. A pairing of Barcelona and Borussia Dortmund will be one to look at for… You heard it here first.