INGLOB is an open publishing platform for Africa that launched June 1. With no editorial staff anyone can post content on INGLOB.
INGLOB CEO and creator Rodrigue Tusse explains the reasoning behind the concept: ‘I have always been a little frustrated by the way information is disseminated by traditional media. It’s never pure and raw and honest. It’s always someone else’s account of what happened.’
‘And because Africa never had a platform for people to share their own opinion, for years we had to take our rants and opinions to FB – where it doesn’t really matter. I created INGLOB to be that place/community where we all came to share our opinions about anything! As one of our contributors James Coetzee puts it :
“If you’re someone who has a weight on your chest, a chip on your shoulder, a burning passion, a bee in your bonnet, or even an enthralling story, you can now take to INGLOB to tell others. You can write and post anonymously, or you can sign in and own the views you share. More than the ability to post, INGLOB also curates the best of its users’ content for those of us more interested in reading than writing.”
‘I see this site grow into a catalyst for new ideas and driver of change. We’re not only giving the “PEOPLE” a platform to voice their opinion but we’re also breaking the divide between the people in power and everyone else by establishing a new medium of communication.’
Check out INGLOB at