Moonlight, the Barry Jenkin’s directed film about the coming of age of a gay black teenager, wins an Oscar in the weirdest way possible. The Academy Awards did all they could to present the Best Picture accolade to La La Land.

The actor Warren Beatty looked weirded out by the card. The La La Land makers and cast rushed out to claim their awards. Director Jordan Horowitz and producers Fred Berger and Marc Platt read out their acceptance speeches. Then Jordan Horowitz, in what must have felt like the worst moment of his life, said ‘No, guys, wait, there’s a mistake. Moonlight, you guys won best picture.’

‘This is not a joke, Moonlight has won best picture.’

Warren Beatty then came back on stage ‘I want to tell you what happened. I open the envelope. It said “Emma Stone, La La Land. That’s why I took such a long look at Faye and at you. I wasn’t trying to be funny. This is Moonlight, the Best Picture’.

We don’t want to overshadow this win, but the faces of cast and actors backstage were priceless as people realised what had actually happened.

Meryl Streep’s face said it all:

Trevante, one of the actors who portrayed the main character in Moonlight, replaced Winona as King of Memes:

Then look at Taraji:

The crowd (spot David Oyelowo’s ‘I knew this would happen’ face):

Whoops from the official counters:

And Mahershala Ali was unfailingly graceful: