April 22, 2016. Jok’air, Hache P and Dehmo release their second album: La Dictature.

It’s ‘classic’ French rap. It’s mainly about girls, alcohol and drugs and it makes me go back to when I was a 15-year-old jamming to old-school lyrics.

I actually discovered MZ a few years ago after listening to their (not-so PG song) Lune de Fiel. I was singing along to it (at school), when one of my roommates came it… ‘How do you know about MZ?! It’s my brother’s rap group.’ I was hysterical.

Their beautiful song  Noir c’est noir talks about what it’s like to be black in France today. ‘I’m the consequence of the colonial empire, a victim of the legal theft…. I’m despised by the media, forgotten by the education system. I don’t have the face for employment; I represent delinquency. 400 years of slavery…’

They may rap about babes and booze but they have hard-hitting lyrics too. 

My two favourite tracks are Ma substance and Fonceder. They’re just real. We haven’t heard the last from them.