TRUE Africa

TRUE LOVES: this Kickstarter campaign to make art accessible across the continent

Lettera27 is working with some of Africa’s most prominent names in art – including artist Aida Muluneh – to share AtWork, an innovative programme to widen accessibility to art across the continent. 

They’ve just launched a crowdfunding campaign to fund the next chapter of AtWork: taking place in Addis Ababa during Addis Foto Fest. It will be headed up by Simon Njami – the curator of Dak’Art Biennale.



AtWork gives participants a notebook to make into their own artwork. This then joins the AtWork collection and is shown and sold internationally. They’ve created a video to explain what they’re trying to do.



Check out the Kickstarter here and have a look at these images from their most recent exhibition at the Dak’Art Biennale this May: