TRUE Africa

Lukhanyo Mdingi – the designer behind one of the most iconic collections of 2015

Screw Power Lists. Here’s a pick ‘n’ mix selection of some young people who are actually doing things. In this #EyesOn2016 series, they tell us what’s going to blow up in 2016. 

Lukhanyo Mdingi is a South African fashion designer whose clean, minimal approach to design has been attracting attention across the internet. His latest collection Taintless showed at South Africa Menswear Week in July. Lukhanyo looks back and ahead with TRUE Africa.

What keeps you going in the fashion industry? We all know it’s a tough place to make it!

Definitely having the opportunity to create. It’s incredible. The more that I’ve progressed, the more I’ve been exposed to the remarkable world of collaborations. Being a witness in others that are on par and even greater has allowed me to do better than my own best.

Creating and letting clothes speak louder than them being just clothes is the message I want to convey. It’s important that people feel a sense of growth towards themselves and some sort of empowerment when wearing the created pieces.

What are you going to remember 2015 for?

Resilience. That word says so much about so many different events that have happened. Personally and professionally. It’s pretty remarkable to see and gauge your adaptability in certain situations. 2015 has been a year that is to estimate to that.

What or who do you think is going to blow up in 2016?

I’ve had the opportunity to communicate and really engage with so many incredible people from South Africa and living in Cape Town with distinct individual stories. It’s always pretty overwhelming to hear people’s paths but it’s even more inspiring to witness the progression of their lives.

I’m a firm believer in storytellers but those that want to use their stories as a means to benefit and enrich those around them. I want to translate those exact sentiments. My aim is to use fashion design as a means to empower Africa’s creative landscape.

I cannot stress enough how I feel that people should use their time and talents to transform their country into something that they envision it to be.

We as a whole must support and invest in the future and current designers.

For me, I see South Africa, in fact the whole of Africa, as a place that celebrates the arts and culture. I see it as a continent that should have well developed and set infrastructures that endorse locally produced products and textiles.

We as a whole must support and invest in the future and current designers as it will start a consistent wave of visionaries. Europe is filled with a rich culture of documented artisans. Africa should be too. We are the country of gold.

What’s keeping you busy in 2016?

Definitely working on empowering Africa. That’s my aim, that will always be my aim.

Check out more at

Follow Lukhanyo on Instagram @lukhanyomdingi

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