TRUE Africa

I use writing to unpack identity

Hoda Ahmed

Ina’Xaashi (pronounced ina-haa-shi) is a new fashion and writing project exploring cultural belonging for Somali diaspora which is rooted in the relationship between my East African heritage and British experiences.

It began with an interest in developing outfits that reflect London’s diverse cultural influences, mine being that of a Somali Londoner. This led me to experiment with contemporary ways to wear the traditional Somali dirac dress.

My exploration of culture through fashion soon progressed to include other creative forms. Ina’Xaashi is now a project encompassing autobiographical storytelling, interviews with Somali diaspora and photography showcasing Somali-inspired fashion.

I am passionate about using these forms to provide an intelligent, open space for discussion of the issues affecting ‘third culture’ diaspora. These images are from my debut issue on identity and belonging. They feature my original dirac designs.