TRUE Africa

Designer Natacha Baco thinks the world is waking up to African fashion

Natacha Baco is the founder of Africa-inspired label By Natacha Baco. The designer is known for her vibrant colours and fresh shapes, as well as using beautiful models who look dope with natural hair and curves that make us sigh with envy. 

She’s now working with lots of other people that are doing cool stuff – like the famous beauty blogger Fatou N’Diaye. We talked to her about her inspirations and how African fashion is starting to make a mark.

How did you get started in the fashion industry and where does the inspiration for your designs come from?  

I soft-launched my brand with mini-ranges, custom orders and presentations. It was very exhausting at the start! So, I stopped for one year and then started again using my namesake, By Natacha Baco.

What inspires you?

My sources of inspiration are multiple. Needless to say, cinema, art, girls on the street… I have a continual need to ‘feed’ my eye, so I remain very visually curious.

As someone who is part of Africa’s diaspora and a black woman, what’s it like working in the French fashion industry?

The French general public and fashion industry are very cautious with regard to African fashion. It is quite stigmatised but this is starting to change. As a black woman living in France, I always question myself about this because fashion is universal and shouldn’t have barriers. Over the last two or three years, there has been a real change.

African fashion is opening up to the world.

The whole world is looking at African fashion from a different perspective. There are also more designers who are elevating the sector. African fashion is opening up to the world. It will boost its image and begin to stand out more.

Anything we should be particularly excited about that you’re doing next year?

I have several projects but I can’t talk about them yet!

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