TRUE Africa

‘I’m not coming as a curiosity or for any controversy’: Rachel Dolezal headlines natural hair event

Remember Rachel Dolezal? She’s been keeping a low profile lately. But hold on to your weaves; she’s back in the news igniting a whole lot of controversy as it’s been revealed that she’s headlining the Naturally Isis Braid-On, Economic Liberty March and Rally in Dallas, Texas.

‘I’m not coming as a curiosity or for any controversy,’ Dolezal said in an interview on The Daily Beast. ‘My intention is to support Isis and the braid freedom movement in whatever way it will be most helpful. I don’t want to be a liability for anyone. It’s a justice issue and I’ve been a social justice activist for years. It’s really that simple.’

She was invited by Isis Brantley. The stylist, activist, and owner of the Institute of Ancestral Braiding, was impressed by Dolezal’s braiding skills when she saw them on television. The former NAACP leader, who faked her black heritage, now makes a living as a braider.

Reactions to The Daily Beast interview were mixed. Sylvia Dominguez, an undergraduate researcher at Institute for Urban Policy Research & Analysis in Texas commented on the Facebook page: ‘I mean she does know how to braid. It doesn’t make it at all ok that she pretended to be black lol, but the conference is on hair braiding and other natural black hairstyles. To be honest I’m impressed that she got her caucasian hair to pass for mixed hair. Idk.’

Estefania Maria thought that the problem was that she pretended to be black and have personal experience of blackness: ‘If she’s just a white woman who braids hair, then who cares. If she’s a white woman who braids hair and supports braiders rights to braid hair, then who cares? BUT IF she’s going to talk about natural hair care as someone that’s lived it, then that’s a lie and rather insulting.’

Vickie Rodgers, who lives in Mayfield, Kentucky, thought the irony was extreme: ‘Lmao..a woman who must dramatically alter her natural hair, headlining a rally on natural hair. That woman is delusional.’

On Twitter, people had plenty to say.

The Daily Beast also revealed that Dolezal has also been busy writing – her book on ‘the larger issues of race’ is nearly finished. Apparently over 30 publishers rejected it, fearing bad press. The independent publisher BenBella books eventually gave her a deal. She remains defiant about her life choices.

‘I agree with Dick Gregory, who says that white isn’t a race, it’s a state of mind,’ Dolezal says. ‘I pay homage to my African ancestry.’